HHJ Architecture & Construction


How to Prepare to Conceptualize a Design With a Tacoma Commercial Architect

Working with a commercial architect brings your vision to life. However, navigating the conceptual phase will set the foundation for your whole project. When it comes to commercial building design, hiring an architect is always a great idea. Their expertise will level up your project in a way you can’t do on your own. But it’s important to come prepared for all of your meetings. The last thing you want is to slow down your project because you haven’t done your part yet. Keeping a tight timeline is always the goal.

Check out this guide before you meet with your commercial architect. It’ll tell you all the things you need to know to be as prepared as possible!

Understand Everyone’s Role in the Project

Knowing your role is vital to working on any project with multiple people, let alone one with so many long-term repercussions. When responsibilities aren’t defined, work can overlap and cause all kinds of problems. Before you start your commercial construction project, be sure you know what everyone’s duties will be. It’s a good idea to talk with the general contractor even before meeting with them to learn what they expect of you. Then, you can share what you expect. This way, everyone is on the same page from the get-go, and the project will be productive.

Gather Lots of Inspirational Ideas

Next, you’ll want to gather inspiration and ideas for the project. This is one of the most important steps to save you a lot of hassle as you move forward. The more precise your vision, the better. But be sure to stay open to feedback and suggestions from the expert!

Figure Out Your Maximum Budget

The design process depends on the budget available. A designer can come up with all the conceptual designs you want, but none will be completed without suitable funds. Know your budget ahead of time to avoid wasting time going back to the drawing board. This will be done by having feasibility studies done and working with your lender. This number will help the design-build contractor develop the most efficient plan to get the project done.

Get Excited About Following the Design-Build Process

It’s also a good idea to brush up on the design process before your meeting. Knowing the order in which things are typically done can help you stay on track and feel more confident as the project progresses. It can also be helpful to talk to your commercial contractor to see their exact process. The more you know going in, the better!

Steps to Prepare to Meet With a Commercial Architect

Getting these things done before a meeting with your commercial architect is vital. You’ll be able to show up confident and ready to get to work.

Before doing any of that, you’ll want to find the right Tacoma architect. This position will make or break your project. So be sure you feel confident in your choice. HHJ Architecture and Construction’s design-build contractors are a great choice for any project. Our team is dedicated to providing quality service and delivering amazing results.

Contact us to get started on your next commercial build.