HHJ Architecture & Construction


Essential Guide to Finding a Reliable General Contractor

It’s not always clear at the time, but your choice of general contractor can have far-reaching consequences. When you work with highly skilled craftsmen, you’re less likely to have to deal with maintenance issuesin the future. But if your contractor cuts corners, be prepared to deal with nightmare repair problems for years to come.

So, how can you tell the trusted builders from those who are in it just to make a buck? This article presents some useful contractor selection tips for your consideration.

Assess Their Credentials

You should only ever do business with a licensed general contractor. When a company is properly licensed, you know they take safe and professional construction project management seriously. A licensed contractor adheres to all the local regulations and standards.

They also have comprehensive insurance coverage. Even the best occasionally make mistakes, but extensive insurance coverage ensures you and your home renovation contractor are covered in the event of an accident on your property.

Also, look out for industry certifications that demonstrate formal skills. A good general contractor is usually delighted to showcase their professional qualifications.

Make Sure They Have Experience

There’s more to being a successful contractor than having the right credentials. You also need a tried-and-tested reputation to get the job done. Thankfully, it’s easy to review a contractor’s work; simply ask to see their portfolio and check out the buildings they’ve worked on.

If a contractor’s portfolio is full of similar work to your project, it suggests you’ll be a good fit. You should also inquire about a contractor’s areas of expertise. Some contractors are more comfortable doing residential projects, whereas others prefer commercial ones.

You should also inquire about how long contractors have been in business. Contracting is a cutthroat world, and only the best survive through the decades. If a contractor has many years of experience, it’s a good sign.

Get Recommendations and References

It’s much easier to trust a general contractor if they’re recommended by someone you can count on. When hunting for a contractor, you should always ask your friends, family, and colleagues to see if they can help. Reassurance from a trusted source is difficult to beat.

If you can’t get a personal recommendation, you could ask the contractor to provide references. A good general contractor should have an address book filled with satisfied clients. Verify these are genuine by checking out online reviews.

The Right General Contractor Can Make or Break Your Project

Whether you’re building an office, renovating your home, or putting in new windows, the contractor you choose has a considerable impact. A knowledgeable general contractor with great project management skills will likely result in a project that’s on time and on budget. Going with a less qualified, but cheaper alternative will likely result in delays and sub-par work.

Whatever your contracting needs, HHJ Architecture & Construction is here to help. We have over four decades of experience helping companies in the Pacific Northwest bring their vision to life. Contact us today, and let’s start working out the details.