HHJ Architecture & Construction


3 Architecture Trends to Consider in 2024

There were 5.9 million commercial buildings in the US in 2018, which was a 56% increase from 1979. Commercial building floor space is expected to grow by another 29% by 2050.

With so many buildings already around and more being constructed, it can be difficult to keep up. Architecture trends change quickly, and you need to know what the latest trends are if you want to design a building that will suit today’s market well.

In this guide, we’ll go over some popular architecture ideas that can give a Tacoma architect inspiration in 2024. Keep reading for more.

1. Natural Lighting

Dimly lit cubicles may have been common in the past, but they’re far from appealing. These days, natural lighting is incredibly important in commercial building design.

Natural lighting has been shown to have a positive impact on productivity, mood, and overall health. This makes it beneficial to almost any business.

A commercial contractor should look for ways to incorporate natural light when designing a new building. Large windows and skylights are ideal for this. In some cases, buildings even feature entire walls made of glass, letting plenty of light into the space.

On top of making a workplace more appealing, natural light can also improve sustainability.

2. Sustainable Design

In today’s world, a general contractor should always think about sustainability. For one thing, it’s a social responsibility in the world of commercial architecture. On top of that, it’s highly appealing to commercial property owners, so it can make a building far more appealing and valuable.

A building design that lets in plenty of natural light will need less lighting on the interior, helping to reduce energy usage. Things like green roofs and solar panels can also help make a building more eco-friendly.

There are plenty of materials a design-build contractor can use. There may be certain building requirements to meet, so a contractor should always look at the different options available and consider sustainability in their decision-making.

Almost all businesses these days are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. A building that’s designed for sustainability is a great way for them to do this.

3. Open Workspaces

Open workspaces began rising to popularity in recent years primarily in tech startups, but they’re now becoming more common in various other industries. Plenty of companies are moving away from cubicles and small rooms, preferring instead to create open, shared work environments.

These allow workers to interact with each other more easily. This can help boost morale, productivity, communication, and collaboration, all of which will help a company drive better results.

Things like movable partitions and modular furniture are great here. They help to create a flexible work environment that can be adjusted to better suit different situations.

Embracing the Latest Architecture Trends

Architecture trends are always changing, and designing a modern building means being up to date with the latest trends. Designing open workspaces that let in a lot of natural light and favor sustainability is a solid approach in 2024.

HHJ Architecture and Construction is a leading design and build firm serving clients throughout the Northwest. We started in the Greater Seattle Area and have been in business for over 30 years. Get in touch today and we can start working on your design.